National Party Wall Surveyors

Have you received a Party Wall Notice

You have been given a party wall notice because your neighbour plans to make improvements to their property that could have an impact on your residential property. This is the reason why the notice was sent to you..

Have you received a party wall notice?

Here is all you need to know – let us help you

Do not ignore it!

Party Wall Solutions have years of experience. We pride ourselves on offering the best possible service at the best price.

Take Action Today Speak To Our Team Now

Unsure how to respond to a notice?
The party wall process can take 6 months or more in rare scenarios where there are significant disputes on technological and also legal factors. Note that for notices to run before jobs can happen, the statutory notice periods are offered.
How Long Until I have To Respond?
If there is no response after 14 days or your neighbour rejects it is a dispute conflict, you will need a certification it is necessary and inspection supervisors must be appointed. Call us today to see how we can help you – you must NOT ignore the notice.
What if we don't agree?
It is vital that you respond to the notice, ought to surveyors not concur, the third land surveyor prepares the concern and sends an notice to the 3rd property surveyor for settlement.
You will have time to try and resolve this matter you must seek professional help before going to court.
Protect Your Property.
Speak to us today – your local Party Wall Solitions.